Mahalo for visiting our website!
We are happy to announce the start of our first ever “I Love PKB Photo Conrtest”. Anyone is open to enter this contest. Entries must be submitted by June 16th, 2010. Entries can be submitted via email or in-store.
To enter, simple send us your favorite PKB-related picture along with a short caption. The picture can be anything as long as it is PKB-related. Be creative ~ it could be of you visiting PKB, eating PKB pastries, having a PKB malassada party…it’s all up to you! Winners will be selected for originality and how well pictures match the PKB theme.
Email entries can be sent to info@pkbsweets.com. Be sure to include your name and phone number as well as a photo caption. To submit your entry in-store, please submit your picture, caption, name and phone number to any employee at PKB.
1st Prize – PKB Logo Item Set, one-month “PKB VIP Discount Card” good for 20% off everything in our bakery
2nd Prize – PKB Logo Item Set, one-month “PKB VIP Discount Card” good for 15% off everything in our bakery
3rd Prize – PKB Logo Item Set, one-month “PKB VIP Discount Card” good for 10% off everything in our bakery
Any entries submitted become the property of PKB. Submissions of all entrants may be used in future PKB advertising and marketing related media.